Improving access to drinking water in slums and squats in Ile-de-France

Making available mobile water purification systems suitable for given contexts, requiring no servicing work.

Definition: A slum/squat is a terrain, or a squalid building generally made of waste materials, with no basic services (water, electricity, waste management), occupied by families in a precarious situation.

Location of the mission

France, Ile-de-France region

Date of the project

April 2021 – September 2021


Newly arrived (refugees, migrants) in a precarious situation and with inadequate housing



Context and issues

In mainland France, over 16,000 people including 5,000 minors, mainly Europeans coming from Romania and Bulgaria, live in slums. The Ile-de-France alone has 8,000 people living in improvised camps. Most of them have no access to drinking water*.

Sponsored by ACINA, this project is part of the implementation of the regional strategy for slum clearance. Its goal is to give access to drinking water for these people, meeting the minimum requirements which would allow them to focus on social-professional assistance and active inclusion projects (individual support towards self-sufficiency).

* Figures from the Délégation interministérielle à l’hébergement et à l’accès au logement (Dihal: interministerial delegation for housing and access to housing)

General goals

Allowing populations in a precarious situation with inadequate housing in France to gain access to drinking water, a fundamental right identified as such by the UN in 2010

Allowing the beneficiaries to focus on their inclusion into society (access to rights, school attendance, training and employment; access to housing, etc.)

Improving health safety for these families, a measure all the more indispensable during a pandemics

sustainable development goals
SDG 1 no poverty
SDG 3 good health and well-being
SDG clean water and sanitation
SDG 10 reduced inequalities

Project history

The intervention

InovaYa is responsible for making available to ACINA, mobile water purification systems solving two issues: intervene in situations of sanitary emergency and providing long-term work for the sustainable inclusion of the inhabitants.

Year 2020

Land survey

Listing the needs, co-drafting the project, technical feasibility studies, looking for financial support

april 2021


  • On-site mediation on Water and Hygiene
  • Workshops for defining water management and distribution with the inhabitants
June 2021


  • Making available a unYo water purification unit
  • Making available an aYa unit for making water safe
  • Water and Hygiene mediation
September 2021

Capitalisation and duplicability

Assessment of use and appropriation, corrective actions if need be.

About the association

ACINA Association

ACINA is a public interest association subject to the French law 1901, founded in January 2014. It is devoted to the social and professional inclusion of the newly arrived who find themselves in great precariousness in France. Its actions are structured around two directions: social assistance to these persons by providing them with lasting access to the common rights (social security, school attendance, access to housing, etc.) and their professional insertion (access to training and employment).

Association ACINA - inclusion socio-professionnelles - réfugiés france

about the association

ACINA Association

ACINA is a public interest association subject to the French law 1901, founded in January 2014. It is devoted to the social and professional inclusion of the newly arrived who find themselves in great precariousness in France. Its actions are structured around two directions: social assistance to these persons by providing them with lasting access to the common rights (social security, school attendance, access to housing, etc.) and their professional insertion (access to training and employment).

Association ACINA - inclusion socio-professionnelles - réfugiés france
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